My productive midlife crisis

Okay, so it has been a while (five years) since my last post. It would take an entire book to relay just what all I have gone through in those five years.  The book is in the works!

To summarize, though, I recently (last week) quit my secretarial job of almost 11 years to return to school full time for a Bachelor’s degree in creative writing.  While raising children, one of whom is special needs. After the love of my life, the man I thought I was going to marry, just disappeared on me (right before Christmas a little over a year ago), after the house I was trying to buy fell through and I was stuck living in a rented townhouse with extremely thin walls. And after I discovered that my divorce from my “ex” husband was never granted so I had in fact been married this whole time.

My school advisor and I were already joking at our second meeting about “trust you to have a productive midlife crisis” her words to me. We both laughed, but she wasn’t wrong.

I have only been home for three days, but I am already so much happier than I can ever remember being. I discovered that I really don’t need a lot of sleep when I don’t hate my job. I’m voluntarily awake before 5am, enjoying a cup of coffee while reading and writing until it is time for the kids to get up. Then, once they get on the morning bus, I do a brief exercise routine, go for a walk in the fresh morning air just because I can, then return home excited to have a productive day.

This college unexpectedly accepted each and every one of my transfer credits so I am beginning as a senior, despite having been out of school for 13 years! That was such an amazing surprise. And a little scary. But mostly amazing.  I am already looking into grad schools that offer MFA in creative writing, because by this time next year I will be getting ready to graduate with my undergrad degree!

As far as all of my food issues, mood issues, life issues at the time of last posting on this site, they have all resolved. It just took me being pushed out of my comfort zone in life to find real happiness. No longer am I dependent on male attention and approval either. I am finally happy with myself all the way around and so excited to see what each day is going to bring!



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